Sun and mountains illustration
Ping Fong family in their grocery store
Harry Sy Joe serving the United States armed forces.
Maury Joe’s father, Harry Sy Joe, sitting in cockpit of military plane in Woodward, Oklahoma.
Young Beverly Go Wasson smiles for picture in store.
Beverly Go Wasson posing for photo in Sunnyside Grocery.
Restaurant of Maury Joe's father, Harry Sy Joe.

Digital Exhibits

Chinese Americans have called Arkansas home for over 150 years. These exhibits draw from historical scholarship, archival photographs, and the life stories of participants in the Arkansas Chinese Heritage Project to illuminate more specific themes within this diverse history. Exhibits include recommendations for further reading and a guide illustrating how specific interviews relate to the chosen theme. Watch this space as we continue to add new exhibits in 2025 and beyond.

Our Mission

The Arkansas Chinese Heritage Project seeks to collect, preserve, and showcase the rich history of Chinese communities in Arkansas and surrounding states. This multi-disciplinary oral history project will share the lived experiences of Chinese communities past and present with students, scholars, and community members, while also educating the broader public about the ethnic and cultural diversity of our state. Our work is conducted with the collaboration and input of community members and historical societies in Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

This is the storefront of Joe's Food Center.

Have a story to share?

Every Chinese American family in Arkansas has a story worth preserving for future generations. Whether your family has been here for many years or arrived more recently, your experiences are an important part of Arkansas history. We invite you to share your family’s journey, memories, and traditions to help preserve and celebrate the heritage of Chinese Americans in our state.

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